I will not hurt myself.......anymore.
Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004 at 12:46 a.m.

My head hurts and I cant keep my head up. My eyes burn and my contacts keep sticking to them. But I dont want to go to sleep. Im so exhausted; Ive given up on sleep.

I need a cigerette but I dont have anymore. I want to get piss drunk and make a complete fool of myself. I want Pasha to call me and say he wants me. Because right now I want him too.

I want to feel the comfort of being in a guys arms. To feel the warmth that radiates off his body. To not be scared or lost or have to worry about anything for a short while.

Most of all I just dont want to be alone right now. I need someone to protect me from myself.

I will never give up
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