lost. always lost
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2005 at 7:09 p.m.

What to say? What to say?
How is life? Its still there. Im still here. What more can be expected?
As for the boyfriend... so far so good. Im trying really hard to not allow myself to get how I always get. Thats attached, trusting, willing and in love. Its only been about 2 weeks but im still going strong.


Words are lost. Never to be found again. Forgotten. Why do I try?
Justine and I are fading away. I feel it. She's so far gone - I cant feel her anymore. Im not sure where she's gone. Its like reachinf through the dark searching for the body that belongs to a voice echoing in the room.
She's filled with so much hate. So much hurt. She's revengence- even to me. I wouldnt know where to even start searching. How do I get her back?

I will never give up
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