hearts on my pants
Thursday, Nov. 04, 2004 at 1:17 a.m.

I realized a few days ago that my need for a higher education goes beyond preparing for the future. it's about being better than what I came from. It's about proving everyone wrong and making up or lost time.
Things still havent gotten better but I think Im starting to learn how to deal with it now. Either that or Im just becoming use to it. Like all other things I am surpressing it and hoping for the best.
I am still constantly tired and there never was enough time in the day. My brain doesnt seem to want to obtain any more information and I dont seem to study the right things.
I went in to see one of my medic instructors today for a little extra help and he gave me the answers to the test we have on friday. I guess that is awesome. I mean it should be but all it is doing is help me with my grade in class not with helping me become a paramedic.
Im not going to not look at them though. I mean come on....A person has to take a break where ever they can find one.

I will never give up
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