nothing better to say
Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2004 at 12:34 a.m.

I stole this from atotalfuckup.


*Name: Jennifer

*Age: 19

*Hair Color: Red but its fading and my roots are showing.Im just to poor it get it redone.

*Eye color: Hazel

*Do you like them: yes.

*Height: 5`0

*Weight: Between 120-125. It goes up and down

*Grade: 1st year college student.


*Color: Black & red

*Name: Lanis. Annelye

*Show: crossing jorden

*Movie: Monster

*Person: Im not too fond of people right now

*actor: Jack Black

*singer: Matt Skiba

*band: Alk3

*food: frozen grapes

*drink: Dr.Pepper

*alcoholic beverage: Vodka

*animal: Monkeys

*thing to do: Reading and writing. Party

~*~Love and that stuff..

*Got a boy/girlfriend: Nope

*If so, do you love them: ***

*Whats their name: ***

*Do you like some one: No. I hate guys. I was thinking about becoming an abstinent lesbain

*Have you kissed someone of the same sex: no, I havent

*opposite sex: Yes

*Bi/Straight/Gay/Confused: Strictly dickly

*Ever have sex before: Yes. Im your average slut

*If not do you want to:***

*How many people do you love at this current moment: No one


*Best friends: Justine. But lately I have been doubting it

*Would you die for a friend: Only if they'd die for me too

*The majority of your friends are guys? or girls?: chicks

*Do you get along with your friends: Yes. I dont think they would be your friends if you didnt get along with them

*Do you like a friend more than just a friend:

*whats the worse thing that happend between you and a friend: Russians

*whats the best thing that happend between you and a friend: Sharing every waking minute together


*DO you like it: Today was my first day soI cant really say yet

*What are your fav. class: Medic

*When does school start and finish: You want my schedule?








*Do you want to go to school: Sure.

*If school didn't exsist right now..what would you be doing: Smoking pot

*Are you a good student: I was in high school

*Do you get in trouble at school: No

~*~Have you ever...

*Had sex: yes

*Got high: Yes

*Got drunk: Yes

*Been arrested: nope.

*Slept with someone of the opposite sex (not sex wise..actual sleep): hmmm....dont recall

*Been out of the US: Nope

*cried over a guy/girl: Jesus christ....yes

*been so drunk you threw up: many many times

*broken a bone: nope.

*gone out with the same sex: No

*kissed the same sex: not in a sexual way

~*~This or that

*Cuddle or Kiss: Kiss

*Sex or messing around: sex

*Hair or no hair: depends where we are talking about

*punk or goth: punk. But not a wanna be a Real one. You know what I mean?

*rap or metal: Metal

*movies or reg. tv: Movies

*loving someone or liking someone: Loving. But Ive found they both hurt the same

*hate or love: Love

*boys or girls: BOYS

*aim or msn: AIM

*good charlotte or eminem: neither

*caffine or sugar: caffine. It raises your metabolism

*happy or sad: Just contentment

*music or tv: Music


*time is it: 12:59am

*are you doing: wanting a cigerette and thinking I should be asleep. Oh, and this survey

*do you like to do when your bored: sleep

*day is it: tuesday


*One person you would have sex with and why: MAtt Skiba. Cuz he is sexy

*got any pets: nope

*What do you eat for breakfast: either coffee or nothing

*Wear boxers?: yes

*How about bras: Well...yes!

~*~More love stuff

*What kind of guy/girl do you like: Any guy who doesnt cheat or lie would be my dream.

*Does looks matter: To a certain exstent.

*What turns you on: whispers of sweet nothings, kissing, cuddling.

*Are you aggeressive or not: not

*DO you like kissing: Loves it

*Would you have oral sex: Yes.

*Name one person you'd do anything with: well not counting sex, Justine.

*Are you in love: no

*What is love: I wish I knew. It might have saved me some heartache

~*~Nick names

*Got nick names?: I used to

*How'd you get them: mostly russians

*like them: they never had sense

~*~Your Sig. Other

*What's their name: I dont fucking have one

*How long have you been together: seems like forever. Being alone that is

*same or opposite sex: ***

*what is the best thing psychically about them: They dont exist

*what is the best thing mentally about them: ***

*Would you change anything about them: Your pissing me off

*What is one thing you want to change: ***

*Do you think you will be together for ever: seems like it

*Ever had a arguement: ***

*Do they have any flaws: ***


~*~One person you...

*Love: Justine

*Hate: Ryan.

*Trust: Justine

*Distrust: Myself

*Want to get to know more: myself

*Want to sleep with: no one at the moment.

*Want to go out with: dont have anyone in mind

*Want to tell something: Ryan.

*Feel sorry for: myself

~*~Kids and marriage

*Are you married: Nope

*Got kids: No.

*Want to get married: maybe

*Have kids: not sure

*Who would you get married to: I wouldnt mind marrying someone rich

~*~Music ...this or that

*What music do you like: Punk, Rock, Emo, old rock and roll, old alternitive, ska

*What music can't you stand: Rap and country

*Marilyn Manson or Shania Twain: Manson

*sum 41 or Eminem: neither

*Rap or rock: Rock

*rock or metal: rock

*punk or techno: Punk. techno brings back too many memories

*alt. or heavy metal: alt.

*Slipknot or Good Charlotte: Slipknot

*No music or Music: Music

~*~In conclusion

*Describe yourself in one word: unique

*Would you change anything about yourself: everything

*If you had all the money in the world what would you buy: audi, a house, happiness perhaps

*Whats one thing you want to do before you die: Be famous for one thing or another

*One person you want to meet before you die: Matt Skiba

*Whats your career goal: a paramedic and a writer

*Whats your opinion on gay marriages: I have no problem with it. Why do people gotta hate because of who you fuck?

*What abou gay and bi people: I love them.

*Wheres one place you wanna live: Havent decided yet. boston maybe?

*Is there any one you'd live with..and who?: Justine and I use to say we were going to live together. Thats a lost cause now.

*Got piercings?: my ears. I use to have my nose pierced but I had to take it out damn it.

*Want some? and where: Ive always wanted my labret pierced.

*Got tatoos: Yes

*want some and where: I have three diagonial pink faded out stars below my right clavicle. Also, I have the word cyka which means bitch in russian on the inside of my left ankle. I want to get tons more. Including a quote from the movie Gia on my scapula and more stars on my thigh.

*Would you have sex with a stranger: I think I probably have.

~*~Last question... Kiss a stranger: I have.

I will never give up
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