pointless dolts
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 7:53 p.m.

Some people just get on my fucking nerves. They think they are the shit, when really they are...in the negative way. Who in actuallity gives a rats ass who has the biggest ass. Its not like they are the only ones with them. People spend to much fucking time on uimportant things in life.THATS WHY THEY ARE ALL FUCKING MISERABLE!!!!! 95% on this universe is filled with antiintellectual morans who cannot even have a stimulating conversation. Maybe when certain humans can stop worrying about pointless things, than the world will provide them with suffice in the happiness department.... who knows, maybe then you will find a reason to exist. till then ........... go fuck yourselves, cuse thats about as much happiness as you'll find living your ghetto ass life.

-justina p.

I will never give up
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