Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 7:09 p.m.

You know what Andrew or John or whatever the guys name is who runs this thing. Im getting really pissed off with this serve shit. Its preturbing the hell out of me.

Yea anyways, My research paper is due tomorrow and Im so glad. If I dont atleast get a B on this im going to be pissed yet again. Im really striving to get an A, but I just have this doubt.

Like I said earlier. I thought it was going to be a good day. And it was except for my algebra II test that I prolly failed. And the fact that Ive felt like there was an elephant sitting on my face all day. My sinuses and head and throat hurt so bad. If im sick for spring break im gonna be pissed again.

Not that it matters, (well syke... yea it does, I try to front like it doesnt but it does.) but *boy* was actually pretty nice to me today. I used to think that girls were confusing, I think guys are a lot more confusing. I think he has split personality or some shit. The way he is always changing his opionon about me.

Well... I need to go finish my paper and prolly go pass out somewhere. Im tired as hell.

I will never give up
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