nothing to say
Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004 at 2:06 a.m.

[Describe your]

x. [Wallet] Black with a glitterly pink cat face

x. [Hairbrush] a 4 year old magenta one

x. [Toothbrush] pink!

x. [Jewelry worn daily] earrings, nose ring

x. [Blanket] one my great grandma made

x. [Coffee cup] I dont have one really

x. [Sunglasses] pink

x. [Shoes] monkeys

x. [Favorite shirt] My Alkaline Trio one

x. [Favorite pants] Black dickies or jeans

x. [CD in stereo right now] Alkaline Trio

x. [Tattoos] 3 pink red and white stars below my right clavicle and a black one on my ankle that says Cyka-means bitch in russian

x. [Body Piercings] nose

x. [What you are wearing now:] Black dickies, black tank top

x. [Hair] red medium length

x. [Do you like candles] sure

x. [Do you believe in love] undecided. Love is bullshit

x. [Do you believe in soul mates] Do they believe in me?

x. [Do you believe in love at first sight] yes

x. [What do you want done with your body when you die] I want it to be buried

x. [What are you gonna do when you're older?] Be successful. Be happy.

x. [How many songs do you have on your computer?] like 70 or so

x. [What band are you listening to now?] Im not listening to anything

x. [Look out your window...tell me what you see] stars.

x. [If you could have any animal for a pet?] Ostrich (did I spell that right?)

x. [What is the longest you've ever stayed up?] Prolly like 2 days or so.

[When was the last time you ... ]

x. [Smiled?] today. but it was fake

x. [Laughed?] today

x. [Cried?] Last night.

x. [Bought] yesterday.

x. [Danced?] I dont dance

x. [Were sarcastic?] today

x. [Had a nightmare?] everyday is a nightmare for me.

x. [Last book you read] To kill a mocking bird

x. [Last movie you saw] Shashank redemption

x. [Last thing you had to drink?] water

x. [Last thing you had to eat] candy

[ Body ]

x. [What do you most like about your body?] my eyes. Other than that I hate my body

x. [And least?] the whole thing in general

x. [How many fillings do you have?] too fucking many

x. [Do you think you're good looking] On a good day

x. [Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?] sometimes

x. [Do you look like any celebrities?] Nope

[ Fashion ]

x. [Do you wear a watch?] sometimes

x. [How many coats and jackets do you own?] more hoodies than coats. I hate coats

x. [Favorite pants color?] black

x. [Most expensive item of clothing?] i don't buy expensive clothes

x. [Describe your style in one word] laid back

[ Your Friends ]

x. [do your friends know you?] only one

x. [Are there traits in you that are universally liked?] my open mind

x. [How many people do you tell everything to?] one

[ Music/TV/Books ]

x. [Favorite band ever?] Alkaline Trio

x. [Most listened to bands?] Alk3, postal service

x. [Do you find any musicians good-looking?] Matt skiba

x. [Type of music most listened to?] I guess one would say punk, emo, rock and roll

x. [Favorite book?] lovely bones and anything by palanuik

[ General Questions ]

x. [What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day?] rainy

x. [Do you consider yourself lucky?] to say no would be an understatement

x. [Choose one word to describe how you feel most often] alone

x. [Do you own any plaid clothing?] no

x. [Is there more than one zipper in your pants?] no

x. [Do you own braces?]

x. [Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches?] nah

x. [Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?] maybe only to look at

x. [Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?] no

x. [Do you own a bandanna?] no

x. [Are you amused by safety pins] cant say I am

x. [Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute?] yep

[Habits/beliefs ]

x. [Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)?] no

x. [Are you an anarchist?] sorry

x. [Are you vegan/vegetarian?] no

x. [Do you think meat is murder?] no, I enjoy meat very much

x. [Have you ever slept in an alley or park?] i've slept in a car

x. [Do you wash your hair less than once a week?] no, but I sure as hell dont wash it everyday

x. [Have you ever gone a week without a shower?] nah ah

x. [Age] 19

x. [Birthday] 1-17-85

x. [Sign] capricorn

x. [Location] Canton, Ohio

x. [Status] alone

x. [Crush] I just miss him is all

x. [Natural hair color] dirty blonde

x. [Current hair color] dark red

x. [Eye color] hazel. However one is bluer than the other. I love it when one decides to be blue and the other green

x. [Height] 5'

x. [Shoe size] 6 1/2-7

x. [Parents] Jerry. I dont have a mother.

x. [Siblings] 1 brother 2 sisters but I dont see nor talk to them

x. [Live with] Grandparents


x. [Number] 21

x. [Color] red and black and light pink

x. [Day] Everyday tends to be a bad one.

x. [Movie] scarface, monster, kill so many others

x. [Food] chicken and frozen grapes

x. [Season] spring

x. [Class] english

x. [Drink] cherry coke, kool aid

x. [Veggie] Fried green tomatos, carrots

x. [TV Show] crossing jordon

x. [Radio] rock 107

x. [Store] the village!!!

x. [Word(s)] chichirrones...its spanish

x. [Animal] monkeys

x. [Flower] lilys of the valley

[this or that]

x. [Me/You] you

x. [Coke/Pepsi] coke

x. [Day/night] night

x. [CD/cassette] cd.

x. [DVD/VHS] dvd

x. [Jeans/khakis] jeans

x. [Car/truck] car

I will never give up
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