I made it!
Tuesday, May. 11, 2004 at 11:51 p.m.

As you can probably tell I have survived my presentation. Although there was a short time where I thought I wasnt going to. I dont know how I did yet but I dont think it went to bad. I did stutter a little bit as I always do but all in all it wasnt as bad as I thought.

One thing that pissed me off was I spent all year on my portfolio and they didnt even really look at it. They didnt read the poems I had in it or anything. Another thing is one of the judges had a disturbed look on her face throught out the whole thing. A look that says, "How dare you talk about something such as Self-mutilation!" I could tell she is the kind of person who would refuse to accept or even try to understand it. Oh well, I guess I will get over it I just pray that I did as good as I think I did.

Well, on an even better note, I signed up for Paramedic classes today. I havent been accepted yet but I was told I am pretty much a shoe-in. I actually did it by myself too. I was proud of myself.

Im just so excited to close the high school chapter of my life and open up a new one. I used to be pertified about leaving the one thing that was constant in my life. But now im just excited and cant wait to start making something of myself.

I will never give up
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