a big ol' list of ?'s
Monday, Jun. 16, 2003 at 2:36 a.m.

01) First grade teacher's name:Ms. king

02) Last word you said: Silly fucks!

03) Last song you sang: Alkaline Trio- All on black

04) Last person you hugged: Please...do not touch me

05) Last thing you laughed at: Something that said "I went to see your concert and I didnt hear anything.

06) Last time you said 'I love you': To my daddy

07) Last time you cried: WOW...I honestly dont know. This is a first

08) What's in your CD player: Alkaline Trio- Good Mourning, From here to infirmary Catch 22-Keasby nights

09) What color socks are you wearing: White with red stripe tub socks

10) What's under your bed: bodies

11) What time did you wake up today: 12:45 pm

12) Current taste: saliva

13) Current hair: my own

14) Current clothes: blue guys etnies shirt black shorts and socks

15) Current annoyance: anxiety attack

16) Current longing: *boys* body

17) Current desktop picture: I cant even explain it... Its a close up picture of a blue "person" with huge black eyes. Its lips and eyebrows have been cut off. Its a self mutilation picture.

18) Current worry: Im not worrying about anything at this moment.

19) Current hate: How I cant talk to my family about thought provoking subjects. Ex. gays, seriel killers, death penalty, mental disorders. If you wanna talk about these things let me know. Im willing!

20) Story behind your screen name:Unheardreams- Im one of those people who are constantly thinking about weird shit.

21) Current favorite article of clothing: underwear

22) Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: color of eyes and hair

23) Last CD that you bought: Good Mourning-Alkaline Trio

24) Favorite place to be: the classic line of "anywhere but here"

25) Least favorite place: church

26) Time you wake up in the morning: for school-7 am... any other time....whenever I crawl out from where ever I pass out.

27) If you could play an instrument what would it be: bass

28) Favorite color: black and red

29) Do you believe in an afterlife: yes

30) How tall are you: 5� nothing

31) Current favorite word/saying: silly fucks

33) Favorite season: spring-all the rain

34) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: My mom or past friends

35) Favorite day: Thursdays

36) Where do you want to go most: Warped Tour

37) What is your career going to be like: I wanna be a writer I wanna be a pharamedic/firefighter I wanna work in the mental health field.

38) How many kids do you want to have: 0 MAYBE 1

39) What kind of car will you have: civic. I want a hurse {sp} too

40) Type a line you remember from any book: "Tall stands that pear tree. Its leaves are fresh and fair. But alone I walk, in utter solitude."-Book of songs

42) Identify some things surrounding your computer: speaks, printer light, walls, pens

[in the morning I am]: sleeping

[all I need is]: drugs

[love is]: foreign to me

[I'm afraid of]: being alone forever, growing up, death

[I dream about]: happiness

[what do you notice first?]: the lightest part of a picture

[worst question to ask]: asking someone if they are gay. I think its rude

-D O. Y O U .E V E R-

[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to IM you?]: Fuck that

[save aol/aim conversations]: I have, Im glad I did. That person is dead now.

[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: dont think I have

[lie]: im a compulsve liar I think

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-

[you talked to on the phone]: Justina

[hugged]: fuck-nut I answered this

[you instant messaged]: some steve kid I recently met

[you laughed with]: Justina

-D O .Y O U-

[color your hair]: yes

[ever get off the computer]: cha!

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-

[obsessive]: books music writing

[could you live without the computer?]: prolly not

[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: a lot- I dont even talk to half of them

[what's your favorite food?]: Chinese

[whats ur favorite fruit]: frozen grapes

[sunrises or sunset]: Sunsets

[what hurts the most?]: holding back tears

[trust others way too easily?]: NO


What color are your walls? fuckin white

What color is your bedspread/sheets? red, green gold shit

03. What color is your rug? who said I had a rug?

04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs in your room? I got a bunch of fuckin shit. Mostly things I create, song lyrics, poems, pictures, things ppl give me.

05. Do you have a TV? Is it big? Tv is boring me

06. Do you have a phone? yes

07. Do you have your own computer? yes

08. Do you have a desk? Yes

09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room? my poems, my journals and my books

10. What are your most favorite things in your room? my books, all the shit on my walls and the big metal trash can I use as a clothes hamper

11. Do you have any fancy lights in your room? Nah

@@@@@@In The Future@@@@@@

1.Who's gonna be by your side: No one

2.Where you gonna live: a house?

3. kids: mmm....kids

~~~~~~Random Questions~~~~~~

4. Define love: pain

5. Whats your husband gonna be like? imaginary

~~~~~Last Things~~~~~

*Last book you read: A bright red scream

*Last movie you saw: 2fast2furious

*Last movie you saw on the big screen? see above ^^

*Last Phone Number You Called: *boy*-but hung up before it rang twice--im a wimp

*Last show you watched on TV: trigger happy

*Last song you heard: Distillers-hate me

*Last thing you had to drink: A beer

*Last thing you ate: food is bad for you

I will never give up
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