my letter to the editor
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 10:14 p.m.

I am so completely bothered by the way so many americans have chosen to act. This is supposed to be the land of the free. Our country was built on the fact of being free to express our own opinions and be praised for it. When did this policy come to an abrupt halt? Where was I when it was decided that everyone must think the same way and everyone must support the president no matter what he does? Where were you when this happened? Why is it ok to be pro-war and gather by the hundreds but it isnt to be anti-war and gather? When did the multitudes of people become so close minded? And think their way is the right way no matter what. We as americans must open our eyes and realize this is the time for us all to allow everyone to have their own opinion and be allowed to express it freely. We must stop the hate, the racism and the fighting, We have to save our own people before we should even think about saving any other country and its people.

I will never give up
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